import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
import { tickMathTest } from '../../interfaces';
import IContract from '../IContract';
/** @typedef {Object} TickMathTest~Options
* @property {Boolean} test
* @property {Boolean} localtest
* @property {Web3Connection} [web3Connection=Web3Connection]
* @property {address} [contractAddress]
* TickMathTest Object
* @class TickMathTest
* @param {TickMathTest~Options} options
export default class TickMathTest extends IContract {
constructor(params = {}) {
super({ abi: tickMathTest, ...params });
* @param {Object} params
* @param {int24} params.tick
* @returns {Promise<uint160>}
async getSqrtRatioAtTick({ tick }) {
return BigNumber(await this.getContract().methods.getSqrtRatioAtTick(tick).call());
* @param {Object} params
* @param {int24} params.tick
* @returns {Promise<uint256>}
async getGasCostOfGetSqrtRatioAtTick({ tick }) {
return BigNumber(await this.getContract().methods.getGasCostOfGetSqrtRatioAtTick(tick).call());
* @param {Object} params
* @param {uint160} params.sqrtPriceX96
* @returns {Promise<int24>}
async getTickAtSqrtRatio({ sqrtPriceX96 }) {
return BigNumber(await this.getContract().methods.getTickAtSqrtRatio(sqrtPriceX96).call());
* @param {Object} params
* @param {uint160} params.sqrtPriceX96
* @returns {Promise<uint256>}
async getGasCostOfGetTickAtSqrtRatio({ sqrtPriceX96 }) {
return BigNumber(await this.getContract().methods.getGasCostOfGetTickAtSqrtRatio(sqrtPriceX96).call());
* @returns {Promise<uint160>}
async MIN_SQRT_RATIO() {
return BigNumber(await this.getContract().methods.MIN_SQRT_RATIO().call());
* @returns {Promise<uint160>}
async MAX_SQRT_RATIO() {
return BigNumber(await this.getContract().methods.MAX_SQRT_RATIO().call());
* Deploy the TickMathTest Contract
* @function
* @param {IContract~TxOptions} options
* @return {Promise<*|undefined>}
deploy = async options => {
const params = [];
const res = await this.__deploy(params, options);
this.params.contractAddress = res.contractAddress;
/* Call to Backend API */
await this.__assert();
return res;