import { cerc20mock } from '../../interfaces';
import Numbers from '../../utils/Numbers';
import ERC20Contract from '../ERC20/ERC20Contract';
* @typedef {Object} CERC20Mock~Options
* @property {Boolean} test
* @property {Boolean} localtest ganache local blockchain
* @property {Web3Connection} [web3Connection=Web3Connection] created from params: 'test', 'localtest' and optional 'web3Connection' string and 'privateKey'
* @property {string} [contractAddress]
* @class CERC20Mock, use no decimals transformation for numbers because we hold underlaying token asset.
* @param {CERC20Mock~Options} options
* @dev See
class CERC20Mock extends ERC20Contract {
constructor(params = {}) {
super({ ...params, abi: cerc20mock });
if (params.tokenAddress) {
this.params.ERC20Contract = new ERC20Contract({
web3Connection: this.web3Connection,
contractAddress: params.tokenAddress,
* Block number that interest started to increase from
* @returns {Promise<uint256>}
initialBlockNumber() {
return this.getContract().methods.initialBlockNumber().call();
* Initial exchange rate used when minting the first CTokens (used when totalSupply = 0)
* @returns {Promise<uint256>}
initialExchangeRate() {
return this.getContract().methods.initialExchangeRate().call();
* Indicator that this is a CToken contract (for inspection)
* @returns {Promise<bool>}
isCToken() {
return this.getContract().methods.isCToken().call();
* Underlying asset for this CToken
* @returns {Promise<address>}
underlying() {
return this.getContract().methods.underlying().call();
/** * User Interface ** */
* Get the underlying balance of the `owner`
* @dev This also accrues interest in a transaction
* @param {Object} params
* @param {address} params.owner The address of the account to query
* @returns {Promise<uint256>} The amount of underlying owned by `owner`
async balanceOfUnderlying({ owner }) {
const balance = await this.getContract().methods.balanceOfUnderlying(owner).call();
return Numbers.fromDecimalsToBN(
* Accrue interest then return the up-to-date exchange rate
* @returns {Promise<uint256>} Calculated exchange rate
async exchangeRateCurrent() {
const rate = await this.getContract().methods.exchangeRateCurrent().call();
const decimals = this.getDecimals();
const rate2 = Numbers.fromDecimalsToBN(
return rate2; // rate
* Sender supplies assets into the market and receives cTokens in exchange
* Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted
* @param {Object} params
* @param {uint256} params.mintAmount The amount of the underlying asset to supply
* @returns {Promise<bool>} true=success, otherwise a failure
mint({ mintAmount }, options) {
const decimals = this.getERC20Contract().getDecimals();
const mintAmountWithDecimals = Numbers.fromBNToDecimals(
return this.__sendTx(
* Sender supplies underlying to the money market
* @dev This is just a mock
* @param {Object} params
* @param {uint256} params.supplyAmount The amount of underlying to supply
* @returns {Promise<bool>} true=success, otherwise a failure
supplyUnderlying({ supplyAmount }, options) {
const decimals = this.getERC20Contract().getDecimals();
const supplyAmountWithDecimals = Numbers.fromBNToDecimals(
return this.__sendTx(
* Sender redeems cTokens in exchange for a specified amount of underlying asset
* @dev This is just a mock
* @param {Object} params
* @param {uint256} params.redeemAmount The amount of underlying to redeem
* @returns {Promise<bool>} true=success, otherwise a failure
redeemUnderlying({ redeemAmount }, options) {
const decimals = this.getERC20Contract().getDecimals();
const redeemAmountWithDecimals = Numbers.fromBNToDecimals(
return this.__sendTx(
* Use a {@link cerc20mock} contract with the current address
* @return {Promise<void>}
__assert = async () => {
if (!this.getAddress()) {
throw new Error(
'Contract is not deployed, first deploy it and provide a contract address',
this.params.contract.use(cerc20mock, this.getAddress());
this.params.decimals = await this.getDecimalsAsync();
/* Set Token Address Contract for easy access */
if (!this.params.ERC20Contract) {
this.params.ERC20Contract = new ERC20Contract({
web3Connection: this.web3Connection,
contractAddress: await this.underlying(),
/* Assert Token Contract */
await this.params.ERC20Contract.__assert();
* Deploy CERC20Mock
* @function
* @param {Object} params Parameters
* @param {Address} params.underlying The address of the underlying asset
* @param {uint256} params.initialExchangeRate The initial exchange rate, scaled by 1e18
* @param {uint256} params.decimals ERC-20 decimal precision of this token
* @param {IContract~TxOptions} options
* @returns {Promise<Transaction>} Transaction
deploy = async (
// underlying,
initialExchangeRate, decimals,
) => {
// if (!underlying) {
// throw new Error('Please provide an underlying asset address');
// }
if (!initialExchangeRate) {
throw new Error('Please provide an initial exchange rate');
if (!decimals) {
throw new Error('Please provide decimals');
if (!this.getERC20Contract()) {
throw new Error('No Token Address Provided');
const underlying = this.getERC20Contract().getAddress();
const params = [ underlying, initialExchangeRate, decimals ];
const res = await this.__deploy(params, options);
this.params.contractAddress = res.contractAddress;
/* Call to Backend API */
await this.__assert();
return res;
* @function
* @return ERC20Contract|undefined
getERC20Contract = () => this.params.ERC20Contract;
export default CERC20Mock;